Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. Veterans coming home is made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by Pride Stores. 2. I grew up in East Longmeadow and graduated high school in '77, and I was a football star. 3. I grew up without a father, and all my learning aspects of what men were from John Wayne movies and Clint Eastwood movies and stuff, so I, you know, the Marines was the place I wanted to go. 4. So, I joined the Marines in the summer of '78. 5. I grew up in the Mobile, Alabama area in the south, and I always had a good work ethic: cutting grass, working in grocery stores, and all. 6. After graduating from high school, I was really looking to broaden my horizons as I had not been out of the south. 7. I was looking for a woman to go to college with, someone to further my educational experience. 8. So, I thought about why not join the Navy in the military? We establish our identity; it becomes part of who we are. 9. When we transition from the military, we still carry that identity. We have already proven ourselves and worked in jobs that we were proud of, serving our country and familiar with. 10. Starting over can be frustrating when people go through that change. These significant changes are among the three large stressors in life: changing where you live, changing your job, and changing significant people in your life. 11. When a veteran goes through that transition, they have a hard time letting go because that's what they've been doing on a daily basis. 12. They have a hard time letting go of the military way of doing things, but it doesn't always work the same...
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5 point veterans preference Form: What You Should Know
Veterans preference: Veterans' preference should be reserved for veteran candidates for the following positions: Deputy OPM Director — Senior Executive Service; Assistant OPM Directors General — Executive Service; Assistant Directors General — Senior Executive Service; Directors — Senior Executive Service. All positions can be filled by veterans. In addition to the above, qualified applicants who have been awarded Purple Heart for service-connected disabilities or service-connected wounds will be awarded a maximum of 1 of 10 points for each Purple Heart. These points can be awarded for service to the Government or non-governmental organizations, and have been determined by a physician of the Department of Veterans Affairs to have been connected to the service of a member of the armed forces. If at the time of hiring, the appointment is made in a manner that permits an employee to be awarded more than one 5-point veteran preference under Executive Order 12866.02(a) or (i) (9 points, as applicable, to the candidate's final number of preference eligibility to be determined at the time of hire), the individual shall obtain a minimum of two preference points using the same medical examination and recommendation forms that would also be used to determine any veterans' preference under the prior Executive Order, but in addition to the previously mentioned application for preference points, the following additional preference points must be awarded to the applicant: the preference points, if any, awarded under the preceding paragraph shall be awarded to the applicant as follows: In the case of the senior executive, preference points shall be awarded based on qualifications and experience. In the case of the other preference eligible, preference points shall be awarded based on personal characteristics. In the case of the third preference eligible, preference points shall be awarded based on service connected disabilities and/or service connected conditions. A veteran who satisfies the requirements of all provisions of paragraph (b)(1) shall be awarded 2.5 points for each individual preference eligible. (Note: The above points and qualification requirements do not apply to the Deputy OPM Director — Senior Executive Service and Assistant Directors General -- Executive Service position.) Under the above provisions, an applicant may still receive preference points in the following position categories. If there are no preference eligible for the position, preference points may be awarded in the following categories to applicants holding a valid veterans' preference. In lieu of obtaining any preference points if there are no preference eligible, preference points shall be awarded in the following categories to veterans, who are not otherwise eligible.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing 5 point Veterans Preference Form